This part is not to be confused with the parts for the Electric Trap found in the same general area. The Second Part can be found at the Power Station. The First Part can be found in the Hunters Cabin, on a hill in between the Power Station and the Town. Parts for this are scattered across the map and it can be built in the Bar at the Town. You now must build the Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23, A.K.A the Jet Gun. This finishes the Easter Egg on Maxis Side. Upon doing this, the achievement should be unlocked. You may kill Avogadro in other ways (meleeing), but EMPing is the easiest method.Ģ Additional Players must now pick up Turbines from the Bus Depot and be ready to place them on the Street Lamps at the Bus Depot and the Diner, whilst the remaining 2 players should be ready to place them down under the Pylon.Īll players should place their Turbines at their given places from Step 7 at the same time. The player with the EMP should now throw it on Avogadro - killing him. When Avogadro goes moves under the Pylon, Maxis will state "Finish Him Now", as an audio queue to kill Avogadro. Whether the power is kept on does not matter - he will spawn on TranZit after turning the power on, every few rounds.Īt this point, players with Turbines must place them underneath the Pylon to let it heat up. Avogadro is an electric being who spawns after you turn the power on. Soon after waiting under the Pylon, Avogadro will spawn. Once under the Pylon (Radio Tower), Denizens will be unable to reach you. There will be cornfields on each side, and you must travel through the left one, towards the Radio Tower. Travelling from the Farm, you must head in a Straight Route, then turn where the road takes you.

In between the Farm and the Power Station (in the mist), you must make your way to the Radio Tower within the cornfield. You will need these for later steps in this Easter Egg. Wait for Maxis to finish his speech and then proceed to turn the power off.Īt this point, there should be at least 1 player with the EMP Grenades from the Mystery Box. To build the turbine, you must find the 3 parts found inside of the Bus Depot: A fan, a tail and a mannequin.Īfter turning on the power, Maxis will request for the power to be turned off again (as with the power on, this interrupts his communication with you). This can be built at the Bus Depot where you will spawn on Round 1. Have at least 2 players obtain a Turbine.

Maxis Path This is the Maxis variant of the Tower of Babble Easter Egg.